Working in the Netherlands

Archive: February 2016

Employment bridge for V&D unemployed #asscherbridge #dutchlabourlaw

Deputy Prime Minister Asscher wants to make the new Employment bridge (Brug-WW) accessible for the retrenched employees of V&D.

Dutch labour law for managers #9

The question may be asked why am I recommending against the use of criminal terms in labour law issues if the employer in the mentioned successfully defended the case:

It decomplicate the issue to divide the labour and criminal elements,
Although the case was won the time that management spend on the court case was lost,
The separation of the concepts give certainty to employees and enhance fair labour relations principles.

Future Shock: Half of the world population unemployed in 25 years #Labour Law

The disappearance of jobs may be the biggest event in the labour- and political arena since the the agricultural revolution. We must start thinking very seriously: What will humans do when machines can do almost everything?

Commit to something and change your life

Change yourself one step at a time – but begin today.

How to Manage Your Time, According to a Googler (Video) – The Muse

What does your calendar look like? Are there days when every hour—or even every half hour—consists of a different meeting? Before you know it, it’s time to go home and …

How Being Unemployed Changes Your Personality

Being unemployed can change the nature of your personality, making you significantly less agreeable and changing your level of conscientious and openness, according to a new study in the Journal of …

Psychological Effects of Long-Term Unemployment

Long-term unemployed are more than 3x likely to be depressed than full-time unemployedLong-term unemployed are more than 3x likely to be depressed than full-time unemployed

Amy Cuddy: How shy people can succeed in job interviews – Business Insider

How shy people can succeed in job interviews Slow down and take pauses. This strategy has two results: one, you’ll seem more powerful, and two, you’ll show that you’re giving …

HR must be strategic to be relevant

HR has played a significant part in the growth and survival of organizations in recent years and it now has a real opportunity to cement its position in steering the …

Don’t Get Suckered Into Working For Free

Liz Ryan I would hate for the coldness of the world to turn you into a cynical person, but it is healthy and essential for everyone to set boundaries! There …

Is the trepidation of employers about the new Dutch dismissal law an indication of ill-equipped managers?

Is the trepidation of employers about the new Dutch dismissal law an indication of ill-equipped managers?

Difference between to confirm (aanzeggen) and termination (opzeggen) of employment

With the new Dutch Work and Security act it is important that managers in the Netherlands understand the difference between to confirm (aanzeggen) or terminate (opzeggen) employment. Procedure: confirmation of …

Getting to know the new Dutch Work and Security act: Labour Law for managers

The new Dutch Work and Security act makes it essential that all Dutch managers must realign their management practices to ensure that they are prepared to handle employee misconduct and …

Dutch startup visa, one year after the launch

Dutch startup visa, one year after the launch Visit StartupDelta As of 2015, the Dutch startup visa makes it possible for ambitious entrepreneurs to apply for a temporary residence permit …