Working in the Netherlands


The European Court of Justice decide on two cases of employees that were dismissed for wearing an Islamic headscarf

EU Labour Law Cases Both cases concern Muslim women employees who work(ed) in private companies. In the first case, Ms Achbita worked already for three years for the Belgian branch …

Dutch Labour Law: Termination of employment of an employee of pensionable age

The employer is not required to pay any transitional compensation (Article 7:673 paragraph 7 sub b Dutch Civil Code) if the employee reached pensionable age.

Termination of the employment agreement of an expat

by Eva Knipschild Since 1 July 2015 it is necessary to substantiate one of limited dismissal grounds for the termination of an employment agreement. An expat usually has an employment …

Dutch Labour Law: The dismissal of an employee that e-mailed confidential company information

Summary of Dutch Labour Law case    The employee was informed by his employer that his service will be terminated with immediate effect with a favourable compensation package. Before the …

Dutch labour law for managers #9

The question may be asked why am I recommending against the use of criminal terms in labour law issues if the employer in the mentioned successfully defended the case:

It decomplicate the issue to divide the labour and criminal elements,
Although the case was won the time that management spend on the court case was lost,
The separation of the concepts give certainty to employees and enhance fair labour relations principles.

Getting to know the new Dutch Work and Security act: Labour Law for managers

The new Dutch Work and Security act makes it essential that all Dutch managers must realign their management practices to ensure that they are prepared to handle employee misconduct and …

Dutch Labour Law for Managers #5

Is the trepidation of employers about the new Dutch dismissal law an indication of ill-equipped managers?

DUTCH LABOUR LAW FOR MANAGERS #4: Summary dismissal in terms of Dutch Labour Law

An employee can in terms of Dutch Labour Law be summarily dismissed in the instances of serious misconduct or incapacity.

V&D: What does Dutch Labour Law say about insolvency and workers rights

The Bankruptcy of an employer is an unfortunate event for the employees. Due to the fact that the possible ending of an employment is based on economic considerations, it may mean that the employee may in the short term be without a job.

Summary dismissal of an Employee: Dutch Labour Law

What can dutch managers and HR managers learn from the recent Tokhein case? #dutchlabourlaw #summarydismissal