Working in the Netherlands

Author: Andre Beukes LLM

Visa for ambitious entrepreneurs : the Netherlands

As of 2015, a new regulation makes it possible for ambitious entrepreneurs to apply for a temporary residence permit for the Netherlands. Here you can read more about the in-depth …

Nuwe visum om ‘n onderneming in Nederland te begin

Nederland maak dit nou ‘n bietjie makliker vir ambisieuse ondernemers om ‘n onderneming in Nederland te begin. Omdat Nederland bekend staan as die Europese Weskus vir hoë tegnologie en nuwe-besigheid-ontwikkeling …

How to invest in funds offshore #eu

via: CAPE TOWN – For years, South Africans have been used to the idea of exchange controls. Since the 1960s, they have been something we have learnt to live with. …

Horrelpoot #eBoek

via: Daar is boeke wat jy wil lees, maar wat jy nie mag lees nie, soos byvoorbeeld André P Brink seKennis van die Aand in die 70’s en DH Lawrence …

Nuwe eBoeke van Lapa  Julie 2015 #eBoeke

Nuwe eBoeke van Lapa Monstersaad Madelein Rust Kategorie: Sielkundige riller ISBN: 978-0-7993-7582-4 Prys: R219.99,  myAfrikaans se prys: R160,81 Monstersaad is ’n ryklik geskakeerde, veelvlakkige sielkundige riller. Daar is verskeie storielyne …

‘n Miljoen Dollar gaan jou nie vêr buite SA kry nie – maar is dit nodig?

Magnus Heystek skryf onlangs in sy Maandag rubriek dat met die 80% devaluasie van die Rand teen die dollar slegs die rykste Suid-Afrikaners emigrasie kan oorweeg. Volgens hom sal selfs …

Debt is not the problem in Greece but unemployment

Via startupdelta   StartupJuncture visited Greece this week to learn from Greek entrepreneurs about their current situation. We came to a surprisingly simple conclusion: Greece’s main problem is not debt but …

South Africa has seen a net outflow of 8 000 millionaires

Via CAPE TOWN – South Africa has seen a net outflow of 8 000 dollar millionaires over the last fifteen years. According to a new study from LIO Global …

Voordele om 'n onderneming te vestig in Nederland

Kontak my om ‘n vastrapplek in Europa te kry! Drie redes hoekom Nederland ondernemers ‘n onregverdige voorsprong gee: #1 Die invloedrykste en voorloper multi-nasionale ondernemings is in Nederland gevestig.  Dit …

Startup innovation in the Netherlands

VIA: Behind London and Berlin, the Dutch startup scene is already considered to be one of the most prominent in Europe. (If it feels unfair to weigh an entire …

Bully-Proof #eBook

Every day, thousands of South African children go to school filled with terror because they know they’re going to be bullied. Children who are targeted by bullies are at enormous …

Global success is not an accident

Companies that consistently penetrate new markets and countries tend to be strategic, meticulous and logical in their approach. Sure, good fortune and favourable circumstances can certainly factor into a company’s …

Voordele om ‘n onderneming uit te brei na die Europese Unie

Enige toekomsgefokusde onderneming sal deurlopend nuwe markte en geleenthede ondersoek.   Wat is die voordele wat ‘n uitbreiding na Europa kan inhou?   Die Europese Unie (EU) is die grootste …

Nuus – Uittreksel uit Hartsnare van die bos #eBoek

  Eerlikheid Sit ‘n sonbril op!   Nee ….. ek soek die eerlikheid.   ʼn Paar keer in die dorp het ek myself gevang met die gevoel van – ek …