Working in the Netherlands

Labour Law

DUTCH LABOUR LAW FOR MANAGERS #4: Summary dismissal in terms of Dutch Labour Law

An employee can in terms of Dutch Labour Law be summarily dismissed in the instances of serious misconduct or incapacity.

DUTCH LABOUR LAW FOR MANAGERS #3 Impact of the proposed amendment of Dutch Labour Law concerning independent contracters

The Dutch government intent to amend the Dutch Labour Law provisions relating to independent contractors without personnel (ZZP).


Court decides that a parcel deliverer of PostNL is not an independent contractor. Dutch Labour Law

V&D: What does Dutch Labour Law say about insolvency and workers rights

The Bankruptcy of an employer is an unfortunate event for the employees. Due to the fact that the possible ending of an employment is based on economic considerations, it may mean that the employee may in the short term be without a job.

Summary dismissal of an Employee: Dutch Labour Law

What can dutch managers and HR managers learn from the recent Tokhein case? #dutchlabourlaw #summarydismissal

Amanda van Mulligen:4 Invisible Expat Challenges

Amanda van Mulligen When you choose to move abroad there are some changes and challenges that are blatantly obvious – right there ‘in your face’ obvious. Such as the natives …

Where will it leave EU workers if UK leaves the EU?

source How would the free movement of people change if the UK left the EU? Of great significance to many employers is the current right of EU citizens to freely …

What to remember in Dutch Labour Law in 2016

NUMBER OF FIXED-TERM CONTRACTS Hiring the same employee for more than two years on consecutive fixed-term contracts is no longer permitted. After two years of fixed-term contracts, or when a …

Current Dutch Labour Law for managers #1

    The pizza chef’s employment contract was terminated – may he be prevented to work at another restaurant? #dutchlabourlaw Extract Mr Vaničková was employed by a new pizza restaurant in Rotterdam. …

Debt is not the problem in Greece but unemployment

Via startupdelta   StartupJuncture visited Greece this week to learn from Greek entrepreneurs about their current situation. We came to a surprisingly simple conclusion: Greece’s main problem is not debt but …

eBoeke vir jou werk en beroepslewe #eBoeke

Koop studie eBoeke hier.   Bestuur   Inligtingtingstegnologie   Loopbaan Werk makliker Motivering Werknemerverhoudings

Your Work Clothes Matter — Even At Home – Business Insider

One of the most attractive things about working from home is the opportunity to wear whatever you want to the “office.” But while it’s tempting to snag an extra hour …

Youth unemployment

Unemployment in South Africa

My First Job: From Pizza Delivery Boy to CEO | LinkedIn

Looking back, I see that my modus operandus from pizza delivery boy to CEO has remained unchanged and can be summarized in three simple rules: 1. Don’t just do what …