Working in the Netherlands

Dutch Labour Law

10 Issues raised at the hearing on the Dutch Work and Security act in the Dutch Second Chamber, 03-02-2016

Dutch Managers must decide if they are going to follow the easy or the difficult route with the management of the Work and Security act. The easy route may seem difficult and expensive in the beginning, but the benefits that it will yield in terms of personnel engagement and labour relations can not be measured.

The elements of a modern EU Labour Market – Enrique Fernández-Macías

ENRIQUE FERNÁNDEZ-MACÍAS ENRIQUE FERNÁNDEZ-MACÍAS is of the opinion that a modern labour market agenda in Europe should try to boost job creation by following the high-road model of Nordic economies rather than the employment flexibilisation strategy that has been dominant in recent years. Such an agenda should also openly confront the socioeconomic divergence effect of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), by coordinating employment policies and fostering EU-level redistribution mechanisms. And it should initiate a serious debate about how to reorganise our socioeconomic systems if, as seems increasingly plausible, there is a generalised substitution of human labour by robots in a not so distant future.

Flexible Dutch labour contracts worry Brussels: new report –

The European Commission has expressed its concerns about the impact of the rise in flexible employment contracts on the Dutch economy in a new report. While total employment has risen …

Employment bridge for V&D unemployed #asscherbridge #dutchlabourlaw

Deputy Prime Minister Asscher wants to make the new Employment bridge (Brug-WW) accessible for the retrenched employees of V&D.

Dutch labour law for managers #9

The question may be asked why am I recommending against the use of criminal terms in labour law issues if the employer in the mentioned successfully defended the case:

It decomplicate the issue to divide the labour and criminal elements,
Although the case was won the time that management spend on the court case was lost,
The separation of the concepts give certainty to employees and enhance fair labour relations principles.

Future Shock: Half of the world population unemployed in 25 years #Labour Law

The disappearance of jobs may be the biggest event in the labour- and political arena since the the agricultural revolution. We must start thinking very seriously: What will humans do when machines can do almost everything?

Difference between to confirm (aanzeggen) and termination (opzeggen) of employment

With the new Dutch Work and Security act it is important that managers in the Netherlands understand the difference between to confirm (aanzeggen) or terminate (opzeggen) employment. Procedure: confirmation of …

Getting to know the new Dutch Work and Security act: Labour Law for managers

The new Dutch Work and Security act makes it essential that all Dutch managers must realign their management practices to ensure that they are prepared to handle employee misconduct and …

Dutch Labour Law for Managers #8

An employee was summary dismissed via WhatsApp, is it legal? What is the consequences? Click here to receive a weekly Dutch Labour Law newsletter. The employee concerned was summary dismissed via …

Dutch Labour Law for Managers #7

The forgotten group that the Dutch Government and community ignore is plus minus 110 000 people strong. They are a quarter of all the longtime unemployed are not physically or mentally handicapped. 65% of this group only have a starter qualification (below vocational training) and most didn’t finish middle school.

Dutch Labour Law for Managers: What is the “Basic income” concept?

A basic income is an income unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work requirement. Excerpt from Multiple surveys across many countries show an …

Dutch Labour Law for Managers #6

The Grolsch case: snowball effect if employee conduct is not managed Click here to receive a weekly Dutch Labour Law newsletter. There is a lot to learn form the resent …

Dutch Labour Law: New provisions relating contractors without personnel approved

The First Chamber agreed, 26 January, on the new Act on the Deregulation Review of the Employment Relationship (Wet deregulering beoordeling arbeidsrelatie (DBA)), it will be implemented on 1 May …

Dutch Labour Law for Managers #5

Is the trepidation of employers about the new Dutch dismissal law an indication of ill-equipped managers?