Working in the Netherlands

Working in the Netherlands

Die dinamiese Afrikaanse eBoek

Afrikaanse eBoek

Afrikaanse eBoek

Die dinamiese aard van Afrikaanse eBoeke is duidelik uit Carolyn Meads se onlangse opmerking:

Dié vermoë van e-boeke sou nuttig te pas gekom het in die geval van die 7 000 eksemplare van Pasta Bible wat in 2010 in Australië verpulp moes word omdat ’n resep per ongeluk na “ground black people” in plaas van “ground black pepper” verwys het.

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Andre Beukes LLM

Andre Beukes LLM

André Beukes is an EU Management Consultant to international companies doing business in Europe. He provides clients with practical business support that makes a real difference doing business in the EU. “Put simply, I am here to help you meet your challenges. I believe in the importance of doing things correctly, meaning risks are reduced and problems are avoided.”

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